Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1. What caught my eye was that my photographer, William Klein takes pictures of people, and not just any pictures up close pictures of people.


I see a young lady blurred while the background is focused. She had short hair, a big winter coat on. She is in the middle of the crowd, like she's trying to find her way out of the crowd.

I smell different perfumes and colunes. The smell of streets maybe a building.  Different peoples smells, if that makes since maybe what there homes smell like or if they have a animal that lives inside of there house.

I hear people having conversations, talking to each other. Cellphones ringing, people coughing, sneezing. The sound of people walking.

I taste different smells going into my mouth. I taste the wind, I taste the guys pizza standing next to me.

I feel the warmth from her jacket. A cold winter breeze, fabric from other peoples jackets touching my skin. Other peoples shoulders touching mine while I'm trying to walk down a busy area.

I see two little boys one with a gun pointing it at the view of the camera. With a grin on his face while the other little boy is looking at him like he's crazy with his arm touching the other boy with the gun.

I smell people.

I hear two little boys laughing and giggling. I hear a gun shot, people talking. The kids talking to each other about stuff, sounds from the gun maybe fake play sounds.

I taste different smells from the air wondering into my mouth. I taste the smoke from the gun when it is shot. I taste the boys hair.

I feel a cold breeze, the fur from the little boys jacket. The metal from the gun, the gun powder in my hand.

3. I think we should each create a poster with smaller pictures that our photographer has took and glue them on the poster. Kind of like a collage, I think that would be really cool!

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