Monday, October 29, 2012

Funny Captions

Kinga dosent like to be washed.
Kinga then jumps out of the bath tub and attacks
Zinga the cat saw a mouse for the first time ever in her life.
Zinga then jumped from his owners hands and attacked the mouse in glory!
Lulu the cat grasps on to Sushi the little girl afraid of the snow.
Lulu then fell into the snow and meowed the whole time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1. What caught my eye was that my photographer, William Klein takes pictures of people, and not just any pictures up close pictures of people.


I see a young lady blurred while the background is focused. She had short hair, a big winter coat on. She is in the middle of the crowd, like she's trying to find her way out of the crowd.

I smell different perfumes and colunes. The smell of streets maybe a building.  Different peoples smells, if that makes since maybe what there homes smell like or if they have a animal that lives inside of there house.

I hear people having conversations, talking to each other. Cellphones ringing, people coughing, sneezing. The sound of people walking.

I taste different smells going into my mouth. I taste the wind, I taste the guys pizza standing next to me.

I feel the warmth from her jacket. A cold winter breeze, fabric from other peoples jackets touching my skin. Other peoples shoulders touching mine while I'm trying to walk down a busy area.

I see two little boys one with a gun pointing it at the view of the camera. With a grin on his face while the other little boy is looking at him like he's crazy with his arm touching the other boy with the gun.

I smell people.

I hear two little boys laughing and giggling. I hear a gun shot, people talking. The kids talking to each other about stuff, sounds from the gun maybe fake play sounds.

I taste different smells from the air wondering into my mouth. I taste the smoke from the gun when it is shot. I taste the boys hair.

I feel a cold breeze, the fur from the little boys jacket. The metal from the gun, the gun powder in my hand.

3. I think we should each create a poster with smaller pictures that our photographer has took and glue them on the poster. Kind of like a collage, I think that would be really cool!

Academic shoot refection

1. It was hard to follow the six rules while trying to take pictures in Academic classes.

2. I made sure that my camera was always focusing while I was taking pictures, and if a picture was not focused I re-took the picture or tried to.

3. I would have took more pictures  in each classroom so that I could choose from the ones that I took.

4. Take pictures of the student in the classroom.

5. I think The Rule of Thirds will be the easiest rule to master.

6. Framing Is really hard.

7. Im not sure how to do Balance, I can go back and look at the six rules again and reread that rule.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Academic shoot

1. Not really good, the backpack is balanced out by the desk kind of.
2. The subject of the picture is the backpack right next to the desk.
3. Yes.
4. Just get the backpack and not the desk.

Avoiding merges
1. Not so well, nobody is cut off or anything.
2. The subject is the Diamond Dazzlers.
3. Yes.
4. I could have cut somebody off.

1. The lines are running into the two guys talking.
2. The subject is the two guys talking on the lower level.
3. Yes.
4. I think I followed the rule pretty good.

1. Ariana is centered in the view of the camera.
2. Ariana is the subject.
3. Yes, you'd be stupid if it wasn't. 
4. I think I followed the rule pretty good.

1. I think I followed the rule pretty good.
2. The subject is the students the farthest from the camera.
3. Yes its kind of  hard to see.
4. Focused jus on one person and not a lot of people.
The Rule of thirds
1. Pretty good.
2. James is the subject.
3. Yes.
I think I followed the rule pretty good.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Africa and Mural Project preview

1: My reaction to the powerpoint was that all the pictures are really pretty I like how most of them are in black and white. How each pictures main topic is the animal.


3: This picture is my favorite because I like how the mom is taking care of her baby cubs, and how they feel safe under her watching out in the distance. 

4: A couple of rules that are in this photo are simplicity, because the background that the momma cheetah and her cubs are in are clear. Another rule used in this photo is avoiding merges , no wear does the cheetah and her cubs run into any merges. 

a. What kind of camera did he use? Pentax 6x7
b: What is his reason for taking the photos? He loved animals.
c. What is his hope for taking these types of photos? To inspire people.
d. "He plans to show darker vision amidst the beauty, a further diminishing of the natural world he loves and photographs."'

Part 2

1. We could do a theme about school and the people in school.

2. Yes we should use cameras so the people who don't have phones or camera phones can still shoot.

3. In the hallways so that everyone can see them. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Academic Shoot preview

The Story
This picture shows a story, about teens praying by
the flag this is probably a christian group at there
school . This picture shows a lot, there all together
and nothing can stop them.

Action and Emotion

These students are going out on there
own to hep feed the homeless.
This picture shows a lot of care and
action taken by helping them.

Filling the frame

The frame is filled with a galaxy type smoke
that looks really cool. This picture shows
a lot with the students interacting. 

          I picked "Drop the Bass" 

1: I picked this photo because I like the hot pink and how it is splattered everywhere and the girl is so focused it just makes the picture a whole lot more believable. 
2: The rules used in this photo is Simplicity and balance.

1: I think I could take them around school campus.
2: My classes that I have maybe art, class rooms that have interesting things going on in them.
3: Try my best to take pictures like that ones that I looked at today, taking up close photos would be better.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Avoiding Merges

This photo avoids all merges, the main attention is on the
building and the smoke that is coming from it. The
background is very clear it is just a plain blue sky
which gives more attention to the building.


The leaves off to the left frame the building with the smoke.
The background also helps with the framing because it is just
a blue sky which also helps the building have the main attention. 


The "Welcome to Manhatten" sign in between
the two highway roads gives this photo a lot
of balance by showing you all the people
walking away from the smoke.


The lines in this photo give the main attention on
the man who jumped from the building. 

The Rule of Thirds

As you can tell this picture in the rule of thirds,  the All
Flights Cancelled sign in is off to the right.


All the attention is on the Eagle, with the black
background giving the eagle a more pop to it.