Thursday, September 27, 2012

Usual and interesting photos


1: My reaction to his work is its pretty tripy, I had to look at some of them closely to figure out what they were.

2: I think he made these pictures by using photoshop or something like that.

3: Landmarks, like the really famous ones or tall ones so that you could edit them like he did. I mean not really usually famous buildings are all around the world.

Big Ben
1: I picked it because there is just so much going on in the picture.
2: Under Spots Action.
3: It won first place.
4: The angle the photographer took the picture from.
5: A lot! 
6: Shoot at the angle they did.

1: I picked it because it shows something. 
2: Domestic News.
3: Third place.
4: The black and white.
5: A lot!
6: How he / she was in the middle of all this and taking pictures

1: I picked this photo because it shows something in the photo.
2: Under Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story.
3: It won first place.
4: How the photographer took the picture early in the morning.
5: A lot! The subject is a really inspiring thing. 
6: I think the photographer had to think of a really good topic
to show the viewers of the picture something.


1: 5, 8, 16


4: Yes, they did follow the instructions fully.

5: Nature.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A: Someone removed female ministers from Kahana's image, it is a offense to clone other people into pictures at most U.S. daily newspaper. 

B: I think it is unethical to mess with other peoples pictures that they took. I mean if I was the one to take an amazing picture and I find out that someone else has removed thing added things to it and taking credit, I would be pretty mad!

I think this picture was the most unethical because the soldier
was not even telling the guy with the baby to hold or whatever
and totally not pointing a gun at the man either, this photo is
just very fake and not real.

I think this picture is not as bad as others, who ever made it
just added a "TIME" tittle and changed the effect on the

National geographic warm-up

This was my favorite photo because I really like the ocean so it made me like the picture.
The dark blue and bright blue in this picture are just awesome.
I really like how the photographer shot the picture on perfect timing.

I would sumit a picture about life, because thats what all the pictures are about in this contest.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Touching people

1. I really like it, I think each picture gives of many things.

2.  I would totally do it, it looks fun!

3. Go around the school and take pictures with random people, sounds perfect.

4. Yeah the photos are good, I like all the random things in it like the bride with a guy in a bandanna, and yes I do like looking at them.

40 greatest photos taken

- Jack Bradley
I picked this photo because I really like his facial expression.
Yes, that the child's face face is so zoomed into.
I think this photo made the top 40 because of his facial expression.

- Ioana Moldovan
I picked this picture because I think its cute that the child
is handing the riot police a balloon heart.
Yes, how there is one picture zoomed in and he other one  is not
and showing the little kid handing the riot police a heart.
I think this photo made the top 40 because the kid is
showing respect to the riot police. 

- William Anders
I picked this photo because its a really inspiring picture.
How the earth is so blue.
I think this photo made the top 40 cut because its really
inspiring to younger people and just the picture.

Camera History and information

1. In a dark room there is a hole in the wall which light travels threw from outside projecting the scene upside down on the wall.

2. Lenses and Optics.

3. a glass lens, a dark box, and film.

4. Light passes through the lens, and exposes the film.

5. a CCD.

6. There the same thing?

7. To blur out the background

8. To freeze motion

9. to focus

10. no flash

11. will give as much light as the picture needs

12. the picture will be washed out

13. the picture will be to dark

14. a "stop" is a relative measurement of light

15. 1

16. 2

17. more light

18. less light

19. light passes through

20. rise the f-stop number

Monday, September 17, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers PART 2

                   William Klein was born April 19, 1928 in New York City into a poor Jewish family. He is 84 years old right now. Though he was born in America Klein has lived and worked in France since i his late teens. Trained as a painter, Klein studied under Fernand Legerand and found success with exhibitions of his work. However, he soon moved on to photography and achieved widespread fame as a fashion photographer for Vogue and for his photo essays on various cities. Without having any training as a photographer, Klein won the Prix Nadar in 1957. He was ranked 25th on Professional Photographer's Top 100 most influential photographers. He has made over 250 televison commercials and directed many short and feature-length documentaries.

Red, Happy, Metal




Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Camera

Electromagnetic Spectrum: The range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends.

Camera obscure: A darkened box with a convex lens or aperture for projecting the image of an external object onto a screen inside.

Image Sensor: An image sensor is a device that converts an optical image to an electric signal.

Photographic film: photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion


Aperture: A space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, esp. the variable opening by which light enters a camera.

Shutter: A shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time.

Exposure: The state of being exposed to contact with something.

Depth of field: The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.

F-stop: In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, f-stop, or relative aperture) of an optical system

Focal length: The distance between the center of a lens or curved mirror and its focus


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Great Black & White photographers

Yousuf Karsh

William Klein

Minor White

First Day Photos

This is the picture I liked. I liked it because he's centered
in the middle, well not really but close. The lighting in
the photo is really good also.
This is the photo I disliked. I disliked it because he's face is
not faced towards the camera. I should have not took the
picture so far over.