Sunday, December 9, 2012

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO

Aperture setting F 16
Aperture setting F2.8
1. We closely relate aperture to our eyes.

2. The smaller the Aperture a larger f-stop, the higher the Aperture the smaller the f-stop.

3. Aperture impacts Depth of Field by giving off a sharp look while the background is blurry.

Low shutter speed

High shutter speed

A.) Low shutter speed
B.) High shutter speed
C.) High shutter speed
D.) High shutter speed
E.) Low shutter speed
F.)  Low shutter speed

A.) High shutter speed
B.) High shutter speed
C.) High shutter speed
D.) High shutter speed
E.) Low shutter speed
F.) High shutter speed

2. Aperture Priority: is when you set the lens aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed.

Shutter Priority: is when the camera sets the aperture and you set the shutter speed.

Manual mode: is when you set the aperture and the shutter speed.

ISO 200
ISO 3200
1. Advantages of shooting at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game are that there is a lot of light so that you can retain the most detail and have high quality photos

2. Suggestions that the author made about using low ISO are that you should always try using the lowest ISO of your camera.

3. Suggestions that the author made about using high ISO are that you should only increase the ISO when there is not enough light or when you want to get a ultra-fast shot.

F4 - 1/125 it is blurry but you can still see the color of the background but mainly the couple.
F5.6 - 1/60 it is still blurry but now you can start to see more color and shape
F8 - 1/60 you can now see all the colors in the background but it is still blurry
F11 - 1/30 you can start to see the shape of everything but it is still kinda blurry
F16 - 1/30 you now see all of the shapes of the background but still a tad blurry
F22 - 1/15 you now see everything in the picture the couple and the background

At slow shutter speeds the people are very blurry and bright. Take this photo on a higher Shutter Speed. The lowest I think is 1/15.

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