Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sports Action Photo Submission

Photo 1- moving towards the camera

Lala jogs towards the camera. After I took the photo I checked to see if it was good.

Photo 2- moving across the camera
Lala jogs going in front of the camera. I get the shoot while she is in motion.

 Photo 3- panning
Lala jogs in front of the camera while I get her upper body in focus. 
I take more pictures after to make sure I get the best shot.

 Photo 4- blur
This picture is blurry. I tried to make the photo as blurry as possible. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Student of the Month answers to questions

1. How do you feel about being student of the month?
Pretty good, I can't complain though.
2. Explain what you did to become student of the month?
I did my work , and be one of the first students to get the teachers trust.
3. Was it hard or easy?
It was kinda hard and some easy.
4. How do people at your school feel about you being student of the month?
To be honest I don't care how they feel about it, just that they don't cause problems.
5. How do your parents feel about you being student of the month?
They feel pretty good about it.
6. Did you really want to be student of the month?
I kinda wanted to be but at first I thought it would be silly.
7. If so why?
I wanted to be it because I wanted to know how it would feel.
8. Would you strive for being student of the month again later on in the year?
No not really, one time was good enough.
9. How were you motivated to be student of the month?
I really don't know I just washout of nowhere.
10. Where  and who motivated you?
I really was just motivated out of nowhere I just felt it would be good to do it.
11. Explain the steps you did to become student of the month?
Study hard, work hard, and come out of my shy shell.
12. How do your teachers feel about you being student of the month?
They feel proud of me because I work hard for it.
13. Who told you that you were student of the month?
Ms. Aliniz.
14. Are you excited about being student of the month?
I kinda was just in the beginning but now not so much.
15. How old are you and what grade are you in?
Im going to be 16 this Friday and I'm a Freshman.
16. What's your name?
Claudia Quinones.
17. Can we take a picture of you to put in the newspaper?
Yeah sure, I just kinda suck at being in pictures.
18. Will you show others about your award?
Yeah just m friends though.
19. If so who?
My friends, and my family.
20. Do you have anything else you would like to say?
Nah I'm good.

Student of the Month Interview

1. How do you feel about being student of the month?

2. Explain what you did to become student of the month?

3. Was it hard or easy?

4. How do people at your school feel about you being student of the month?

5. How do your parents feel about you being student of the month?

6. Did you really want to be student of the month?

7. If so why?

8. Would you strive for being student of the month again later on in the year?

9. How were you motivated to be student of the month?

10. Where  and who motivated you?

11. Explain the steps you did to become student of the month?

12. How do your teachers feel about you being student of the month?

13. Who told you that you were student of the month?

14. Are you excited about being student of the month?

15. How old are you and what grade are you in?

16. What's your name?

17. Can we take a picture of you to put in the newspaper?

18. Will you show others about your award?

19. If so who?

20. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

Monday, May 13, 2013

20 Questions for School Uniforms

Who I would interview:
-A student who goes to that school who wears uniform.
-A teacher who works at that school.
-School principal.

1. How do you feel about wearing school uniform?
2. Why does your school wear uniform?
3. What do students have to wear?
4. How do teachers feel about students wearing uniform?
5. What happens if you forget to wear your uniform to school?
6. Do you ever have days were you don't wear uniform?
7. What would you wear to school if you didn't have uniform?
8. Is school different because of uniform?
9. If so how?
10. Would you ever move schools because your school wears uniform?
11. What school would you move to?
12. Do kids always follow the dress code rules?
13. How do your parents feel about kids at your school wearing uniform?
14. Does it take you longer to get ready in the morning time or shorter?
15. Why is that?
16. Where do you buy your school uniform at?
17. Has your life changed by wearing uniform?
18. If so how and positively or negatively?
19. Describe the type of education your getting at school by wearing uniform?
20. Do you have any other comments on your school uniform?


Monday, April 29, 2013

Newspaper notes

Broadsheet- should have three or more stories on it, is bigger

Tabloid- smaller in format, a broadsheet turned sideways, two stories or less

Newsmagazine- a magazine that has news in it, no stories on the front, 99% of the time has a glossy cover

stories- byline
captions- part 1 headline, part 2 two sentence caption, part 3 photo credit
info graphic- information in graph form, a pie chart would be a good example
jump- story dosent finish and moves to the next page, part 1- the jump to part 2- the jump from
folio- title of newspaper (the flag), website, name of high school, school address, motto, volume
screen- a box that has color in it, less than 20%, screen color comes from something on the page

table of contents
must have- organizations, editorial policy, and staff 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Front Pages of the World

1. The Garden Island

2. My favorite headline from the newspaper is USGS specialist: 'The Reefs are dying'

3. Three stories are on the front page of my favorite newspaper.

4. They all have headlines, captions inn the photos, small text size, date, some type of ad.

5. They all have different types of fonts and different picture sizes and different pictures.

Monday, April 15, 2013

SLO practice

Headline: Mason needs to find a home

Caption: Mason the hound dog drools for a delicious treat. He had his picture taken to hopefully find a home and lovely parents to care for him.

Rule of photography: Background, simplicity and rule of thirds.

News value: Novelty, human interest and timeliness

Light: The lighting is coming from behind the photographer and its lighting the drool.

Lens: prime lens

Lenses and photography vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to take a photo that's far away but zoom into it.

I would use a prime lens to take a photo thats really up close.

I would use a wide-angle lens to take a photo of something that's big.

Depth of Field: the distance between the nearest and the farthest objects that appears sharp in a image.

By using this you can take better photos by getting different scenes in one photo.

Light: different shades of light that is shining on your subject

By using this you're going to have different shades of light on your subject that can really change the outcome of your photo.

Shadows: light can cause shadows, so when you are shooting be careful to not get a lot of the shadow in the far background.

By using this you can get different shadows in the background of your photo or none if your not going for any shadows.


Exposure: the amount of light that is allowed to fall on each area of a photograph

By using this you can get just the right amount of light in the picture that you are taking.

Aperture: is a hole or opening that light travels through

By using this your photo will be focused just right and just the amount of light will be in your photo.

Shutter Speed: is the length of time the cameras shutter is open.

By using this short shutter speeds can be used to freeze fast moving pictures and long shutter speeds are used to blur a moving subject.

ISO: different ISO's can have different outcomes some can be grainy while others aren't.

By using this you can have different outcomes in your photos.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

5 Websites

Spinning Around A Building -

1. http://fstoppers.com/how-to-spin-a-camera-around-a-building

2. There is a video with an tutorial that shows you how to spin a camera around a building. They used the CN Tower in Toronto as there example in the video.

3. How to spin a camera around a building.

A. I saw how to take a bunch of photos on a building and put them together to make a video.
B. Candy Glass Production
C. This a a tutorial video and they shot all the pictures at the CN Tower in Toronto. This would be an awesome technique todo with your friends ad family or something.
D. I learned how to mark what you are going to take pictures of on a map like google maps.

The Dead Tree -

1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinday/sets/775271/?page=3

2. I looked at pictures of a dead tree and how the surrounding changes over time and different lighting and what not.

3. Nothing really, maybe how to take pictures of the same item over a period of time.

4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinday/241483361/

A. Because I like the spiderweb then the dead tree i he background, its so pretty.
B. Balance, simplicity
C. Kevin Day

B&W Landscapes -

1. http://digital-photography-school.com/27-black-and-white-landscape-images

2. I looked at different B&W landscapes. The pictures almost looked fake in most of them.

3. Nothing really...

A. Because I like the sky in the background.
B. Balance, rule of thirds
C. Darren Rowse

Image stacking -

1. http://forum.fourthirdsphoto.com/f37/spring-46051.html

2. I looked at two pictures that have image stacking in them. They are both pretty cool pictures and look like they both have a lot of photoshop done to them.

3. How to change the exposure.

A. I really like the rain fall effect in the photo.
B. Lines
C. idk

Storms -

1. http://www.lightstalking.com/storms

2. Different pictures of different storms. The colors look really cool in each photo.

3. Nothing really.

A. I like the different blues and purples in the photo and the stars in the background.
B. Simplicity
C. Light Stalking

Photoshop introduction

Portrait reminders

Portraits - 

Self-portraits -

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Magazine Part 2

Early Magazine Covers basically only has a title and a publication data. They are very generic and very blank with the pictures. Next The Poster Cover, a picture is the main subject in the photo. Then there is Pictures Married to Type is when the words flow with the main subject. And finally In the forest of words, there are a lot of words on the cover

Friday, February 1, 2013

Best Magazine covers 2012

1. formal
2. formal
3. formal
4. formal
5. informal
6. formal
7. formal
8. environmental
9. formal
10. formal
11. environmental
12. formal
13. formal
14. formal
15. formal
16. formal
17. environmental
18. environmental
19. environmental
20. environmental
21. formal portrait
22. formal portrait
23. environmental
24. environmental
25. environmental
26. environmental
27. environmental
28. informal
29. environmental
30. formal
31. formal *favorite
For W's biggest fashion issue of the year, the magazine celebrated the ways women today transform themselves by showcasing actress Kristen Stewart as readers had never seen her before. Photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot transformed the 21-year-old cover model from the Twilight teenager that audiences know best into the glamorous, grown-up vixen she's becoming. "Vampires are a little dangerous—and we girls like to test ourselves," Stewart says playfully on the cover, tempting readers to pick up the issue and see for themselves.

This photo is communicated with fashion. I really like fashion or anything dealing with it. Kristen Stewart  is in Twilight and I also like Twilight, that's another reason that I picked this article. In this photo she looks older then is she really is, but Im pretty sure thats what they were going for and they succeeded. 

Magazine Tips

One cover stands out vividly from the thousands in my half century of magazine-ing.
The cover carried all the usual elements, but they were blended by the color, and that simplicity popped it out from its surrounding, gaudy competition.
One of them decided to abandon fashionable elegance and do some hard-selling by covering the cover with as many pictorial and verbal appeals as they could squeeze in, using every color (especially process yellow), typeface, angle, overlap, silhouetting, shadow and trick.

Photoshop notes


Nestle – tools – are stacked on each other – to access those tools you have to left click and hold.


Command + = zoom in
Command - = zoom out
Command o = open
Command c = copy
Command v = paste
***Command z = step back

Turn an image go to >Image>Image Rotation
CW and CCW
CW = clockwise
CCW = counter-clockwise
180 = ½ rotation

Channel Blue
Channel Green
Channel Red
Moved just the black and white
Hersheys kiss
Channel RGB – moved just the brown hersheys kiss
(just a little lighter)

Backpack, Green, Triangle

Choice sheets


I want to be in Newspaper because I want to keep going in photojournalism.  And maybe do something with it whenever I get older. I like photojournalism because we get to express ourselves with cameras and learn new techniques to use. I really like working with cameras because its fun.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Rules of photography notes


Depth of field: shallow = big opening wide = small opening 

Light: shadows are the absence of life 

Diffusion: softening the light or blocking the light, changing the intensity of the light 

Exposure: is your picture to light or to dark or good exposure 

ISO: g


Telephoto: zoom in and get closer to your subject

Prime: you can't zoom in

Wide angle: shooting in a wide able view of something 


Caption #1

who - Barack Obama and Scott Van Duzer 

what - Scott picked up Obama

when - September 9, 2012 

where - Big Apple Pizza 

why - on a 2-day bus tour across Florida 

Sentence #1 Scott Van Duzer gave Mr Barack Obama a big hug while he came to vista him at Big Apple Pizza.

Sentence #2 Barack Obama told Scott Van Duzer that he would come vist him in his restaurant.

Caption header 

Caption #2  

who - three year old Christian Haupt

what - throws out the ceremonial first pitch

when - September 4, 2012

where - Los Angeles

why - because he did

Sentence #1 Three year old Christian Haupt throws the ceremonial first pitch at the Los Angeles baseball game with everyone watching him.

Sentence #2 They asked little Christian about 2 months ahead of time and he was so excited he could not wait for the day to come.

Caption header

Caption #3

who - David Anthony 

what - celebrates 

when - September 5, 2012

where - London Paralympic games

why - because he made a goal

Sentence #1 David Anthony celebrates with cheer after he made a goal and the cord goes crazy.

Sentence #2 He and his team have been training for the Olympics for a very long time now. 

Caption header

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back

This photo was one of my favorite pictures of the year because
you can see every little detail of the snowflake and it is amazing.

This photo was one of my favorite pictures of the year because
the hurrican looks so big from above. 

This photo was one of my favorite pictures of the year because
the view of these spirals on the beach is so pretty.

1. What was the best song of 2012? 

The best song of 2012 was Titanium by David Guetta.
This was the best song because it has a lot of character to it and its a good song.
I chose this song because it was number one on the top 100 list.
2. What was the best movie of 2012? 

The best movie of 2012 was The Avengers.
This was the best movie of 2012 because it was really intense
and good and had a lot of action. I chose this movie because it had the
most total gross rate.

3. What was the most important news story of the year? 

The most important new story of the year was
the shooting in Newton. This was the most important news
story of the year because it was so tragic and sad.
I chose this because it was number one on the important
news stories of 20012.

4. Who was the most important person of 2012?

The most important person of 2012 was Mr Obama.
He was the most important person because he is
the president of the united states, and he got re elected
again for president for the next 4 years.

5. Biggest sports story of 2012?

The ingest sports story of 2012 was the Olympics.
It was the biggest because it had every sport in it and it lasted
two weeks. It was the best because who  doesn't like the Olympics? 

1. One thing that I will remember on my break was going to California to see a real good friend of mine!

2. My resolutions for 2013 is to try harder in all of my classes and to just become a better person in general. 

3. What I'm looking forward to 2013 is for it to be a better year and I'm also looking forward to Vidcon this summer hopefully!